How To Get An Alcoholic Help

How to Get an Alcoholic Help

Alcoholism is a type of chronic disease that involves the body becoming dependent on one or more types of alcohol. When you are suffering from alcoholism, you have lost complete control over the way that you drink. What this means is that you are probably incapable of being able to control when you drink, how much you drink or how long you drink whenever you drink.

If you are suffering from alcoholism, then you are likely going to continue to drink even when you are fully aware that you are causing problems in your relationships, causing problems with your health, serving as a detriment to your work or costing you money.

If you are not an alcoholic, and have never had any experiences involving alcoholism, then it can be hard to be on the outside looking in. If someone that you know, someone that you care about, is currently struggling with an alcoholism problem, then you may feel as if it is your duty to get them help.

There is a lot of help available out there for people who are suffering from an alcohol abuse problem. Unfortunately, many of the people who are dealing with this specific type of problem are unable to personally admit that they need help. They need someone in their lives who can help them make this admission so that they can truly begin to get the support that they need to overcome what ails them.

How to Get an Alcoholic Help

Recognizing the Problem

Is someone you know suffering from alcoholism? Do you know what the signs are, or how you can tell what they are going through? It is important to be aware of the symptoms of alcoholism, not only the obvious signs but also the underlying indicators that something seriously wrong is going on. Here are some of the signs and symptoms that something might be going on with someone you care about.

  1. They may begin to neglect other activities in their life. Recreational, occupational and social activities that were once important to them may suddenly see a lot of neglect because they are focusing their attention on alcohol instead.
  2. They may be consuming larger and larger amounts of alcohol over time. Someone who previously seemed to be a light weight may suddenly be drinking alcohol in much greater amounts in social situations or when drinking at home. You may suddenly notice that they are going through alcohol more quickly at home. This is because they are experiencing the building of a tolerance, meaning that their body is requiring more and more of the alcohol in order to feel the same effects as before.
  3. They may experience symptoms indicating withdrawal from alcohol. When someone uses alcohol persistently and then quits cold turkey, the body responds in a way that is known as substance abuse withdrawal. Some of the withdrawal symptoms that typically present themselves when you stop drinking include sweating, nausea, anxiety and shakiness. If you notice these symptoms in someone that you know, they might be withdrawing from an alcoholism problem.
  4. They may experience impaired control when it comes to trying to cut down on alcohol consumption. They may say things like “This is my last drink,” or “I’m only going to have one more,” only to display poor impulse control by continuing to drink until the point when they have had too much. What’s worse is that they may repeat this pattern every time you go out with them, regretting it when they reach the point of drunkenness and hangover, and yet continuing the same pattern next time despite the apparent lesson learned.
  5. They may have trouble getting their mind off of the concept of alcohol. They may talk about alcohol a lot, or they might spend an exorbitant amount of time dealing with activities that are necessary to use, obtain or recover from using alcohol. They might speak in excess about drinking the night before, the hangover the next morning, or on general topics involving alcohol. They may seem more consumed with alcohol and drinking than you would expect, and they may spend a lot of time trying to rationalize their drinking by telling you it’s all fun and games.

Getting Help for an Alcoholic

If you look at these aforementioned symptoms and you think that someone you know is suffering from alcoholism, then know that there are solutions out there that you can help them with. Here are some of the things that you are going to want to consider going forward so that you can provide them with the best possible support and care while they are going through this process.

It can be hard for someone to admit that they have a problem. You need to know this going into things, because your friend or loved one may outright deny that they are an alcoholic. This means that you should plan to go into it with some evidence that something is going on. But make sure that you are walking into the situation with the right mindset. You need to be loving and supportive rather than accusatory. Make sure that your loved one understands that your words are coming from a place of love and concern, and all that you want is to help them get the support and care that they need on this journey to recovery.

Do some research beforehand so that you have valuable information to give your loved one during this intervention. Rather than simply stating that they need to get help, you should be prepared with documentation about local alcoholism rehab (800-303-2482) opportunities and options in the area. Try to do as much research as you possibly can so that you can really help your loved one out with the decision making process. If you say “I realize that you’re suffering, and I want to get you help. Here are some of the options available to you, and I would love to help you find the right program for your needs,” then the entire intervention is going to be better received than if you simply state: “You’re an alcoholic and need help.”

Offer them a shoulder. Give them all the love and support that they need during this process. The day that they are forced to look at themselves in the mirror and admit alcoholism is going to be a hard day for them. Prepare for emotions.Do whatever you can to provide them with the support, love, care and guidance that they need during this truly trying time. What they need above all else in this very moment is a shoulder to cry on, someone that they can completely depend on to help them get through this process.

Be their friend through it. Take them to the rehab center, stay with them when they check in. Offer them all the love, care and friendship that you can from the beginning until the end. Sometimes all an alcoholic needs is someone who really, truly and genuinely cares about them. If you can provide them with this care, it may be just what they needed in order to finally get help for their problem once and for all.

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